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Operating An Uninsured Motor Vehicle

Operating a vehicle without insurance is a costly mistake.  Although it is only a Petty Offense, it carries high fines, license suspensions, and the requirement to carry SR-22 Insurance.  625 ILCS 5/3-707   It is always cheaper to maintain valid insurance than to get a ticket for not having not having insurance.


If you are convicted of operating vehicle without insurance, your license will be suspended for three (3) months and you will have to pay a $500 fine.  A third or subsequent conviction carries a mandatory $1,000 fine.  Also, at the end of the three months you will need to pay an additional $100 reinstatement fee to the Secretary of State.


Being placed on Court Supervision will spare your license from being suspended.  However, you are only eligible for Court Supervision once every five years. 730 ILCS 5/5-6-1(g)(1)  In addition, you must pay a $100 fine and provide provide proof of valid insurance as of the date of your court appearance.  The insurance must be maintained until your Court Supervision terminates.

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Finally, another additional cost, SR-22 Insurance is Required for 3 years.


Although operating an uninsured motor vehicle is a Petty Offense, operating an uninsured motor vehicle that causes bodily harm is a Class A Misdemeanor.




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