Illinois Uses Points?!?!?!
Yes! Illinois uses a points system, but not in the way other states do. The Secretary of State will assess points when convicted of most traffic violation. Each violation carries a different point value. The more sever the violation, the more points are assessed. The Secretary of State assesses points on over 100 traffic offenses. Below are some of the more common offenses. (ILLINOIS TRAFFIC OFFENSES Revised 8-2017)
Speeding 1-10mph above 5
Speeding 11-14mph above 15
Speeding 15-25mph above 20
Speeding 26mph or more above 50
Reckless Driving 55
Failure to Obey Traffic Signal 20
Aggravated Speeding in School Zone 55
Aggravated Speeding in Construction Zone 55
However, Illinois differs from other states in that, the number of points won’t trigger a suspension alone, but rather, the amount of points will determine the length of the suspension. If you are over 21-years-old and receive three convictions for traffic violations within a 12-month period, your driver's license can be suspended. If you are under 21-years-old, you will be suspended if you are convicted of two (2) moving violations in any 24 month period.
The following are suspension lengths for drivers who have not had a drivers license suspension or revocation in the last 7 years: (92 Ill.Adm.Code 1040.30)
0 to 14 points no suspension
15 to 44 points 2-month suspension
45 to 74 points 3-month suspension
75 to 89 points 6-month suspension
90 to 99 points 9-month suspension
100 to 109 points 12-month suspension
110 or more Revocation
I fight to keep convictions off your driving record! If you are already suspended or revoked, contact me immediately. I can help you vacate convictions and reinstate your driving privileges without having to serve your suspension!